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The Cash Cycle
10.07.2019 DE
For our daily purchases we can withdraw cash from our bank account. But where do the banks get this cash from? What happens to the cash after we have paid with it? And who makes sure that there is always enough cash where it’s needed, when it’s needed? The following film gives an overview.
What ist money?
10.07.2019 DE
We use money every day, taking it for granted in our daily lives. At the same time, money is one of the most important business areas for any central bank. But what exactly is money? What forms does it take, and what are the characteristics that turn something into money? We answer these and other questions in the following animation film.
What is interest and what are interest rates?
In our everyday lives, we are regularly confronted with terms that carry "interest" in their names. But what exactly are interest rates and what influence do they have? We want to get to the bottom of the most important interest terms and economic interrelationships in this explanatory film.
The tasks of the Deutsche Bundesbank
10.07.2019 DE
The Deutsche Bundesbank is the independent central bank of Germany. Its core business area is the monetary policy of the Eurosystem. Besides this, however, the Bundesbank performs a number of other important tasks. The following animation film gives an overview.
The Origin of Money: Cash
10.07.2019 DE
The core theme of each central bank is the money. But how does it happen in the world? This question goes to the Bundesbank and answered them in this animated film.
The Origin of Money: Book Money
10.07.2019 DE
The core theme of each central bank is the money. But how does it happen in the world? This question goes to the Bundesbank and answered them in this animated film.
Information film about the Campus project
23.01.2019 DE
The video provides information on the significance of microdata in understanding complex economic interactions.
Finalising Basel III Bundesbank Symposium on banking supervision 2017
Dr Stefan Ingves, Sveriges Riksbank
Forecast: German economy remains on solid growth path
14.12.2018 DE
Despite the setback in the third quarter of 2018, the German economy should continue to see solid growth for the time being, in the Bundesbank’s estimation. The Bank’s recently published autumn forecast primarily attributes the slight decline in economic output in the previous quarter to temporary supply-side difficulties in the automotive industry and believes it will be overcome rapidly.