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Concluding panel: A post-crisis agenda for the euro area and Germany: which way forward? "Germany – Current Economic Policy Debates" - Conference of the International Monetary Fund and the Deutsche Bundesbank
Concluding panel with Benoît Cœuré, European Central Bank, Marcel Fratzscher, German Institute for Economic Research, Mario Monti, Bocconi University and Christoph Schmidt, German Council of Economic Experts. Chair: Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund
Session 3: Germany’s current account surplus: a problem to be fixed? "Germany – Current Economic Policy Debates" - Conference of the International Monetary Fund and the Deutsche Bundesbank
Session 3: "Germany’s current account surplus: a problem to be fixed?" with Clemens Fuest, ifo Institute, Maurice Obstfeld, International Monetary Fund, Jens Südekum, Heinrich Heine University and Guntram Wolff, Bruegel. Chair: Jens Ulbrich, Deutsche Bundesbank.
Session 2: Fiscal policy: a medium-term view "Germany – Current Economic Policy Debates" - Conference of the International Monetary Fund and the Deutsche Bundesbank
Session 2: "Fiscal policy: a medium-term view" with Servaas Deroose, European Commission, Lars Feld, German Council of Economic Experts, Daniel Gros, Centre for European Policy Studies and Ludger Schuknecht, Federal Ministry of Finance. Chair: Rolf Strauch, European Stability Mechanism.
Session 1: Wages and inflation in Germany "Germany – Current Economic Policy Debates" - Conference of the International Monetary Fund and the Deutsche Bundesbank
Session 1: "Wages and inflation in Germany" with Peter Bofinger, German Council of Economic Experts, Michael Hüther, German Economic Institute (IW), Stephan Kohns, Deutsche Bundesbank and Lucrezia Reichlin, London Business School. Chair: Poul Thomsen, International Monetary Fund
Germany – Current Economic Policy Debates: Keynote address "Germany – Current Economic Policy Debates" - Conference of the International Monetary Fund and the Deutsche Bundesbank
Keynote address by Dr Jens Weidmann, President of the Deutsche Bundesbank
Lecture by Deputy Prime Minister of Singapore in Frankfurt
05.12.2017 DE
Speaking at the invitation of the Bundesbank on 05 December 2017 at the Goethe University in Frankfurt, Tharman Shanmugaratnam, Deputy Prime Minister of Singapore and Coordinating Minister for Social and Economic Policies will speak on the challenge of inclusive growth, which has been the exception internationally. Inclusive growth means creating opportunities for all segments of society and ensuring that everyone gets their fair share of the acquired wealth.
Financial Stability Review: The press conference
29.11.2017 DE
Bundesbank Deputy Governor Claudia Buch and Executive Board member Andreas Dombret present the 2017 Financial Stability Review to the press.
Bundesbank completes gold transfer ahead of schedule Carl-Ludwig Thiele, Member of the Executive Board of the Deutsche Bundesbank
The Bundesbank has completed the transfer of its gold reserves from New York and Paris to Frankfurt am Main three years ahead of schedule.
Bundesbank's statistics A data treasure for informed decision making
The video provides information on the significance of microdata in understanding complex economic interactions.
Speech by Jens Weidmann Colloquium for former Bundesbank President Hans Tietmeyer
19.06.2017 DE
Dr Jens Weidmann, President of the Deutsche Bundesbank