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Below you will find a selection of publications and conference papers by Professor André Alfes.
Professor André Alfes Lecturer at the University of Applied Sciences of the Deutsche Bundesbank
Civil Law; Commercial Law and Corporate Law; Civil Procedure, Enforcement Procedure and Insolvency Law; Banking Law and Capital Markets Law
Expert in financial markets guest in statistics lecture
05.03.2025 DE
Harry Ishihara, former advisor to Japanese regulators and macro strategist, visited a lecture on econometrics and statistics at the Bundesbank University of Applied Sciences and shared his experience and expertise with students.
Publications by Professor Urs Lendermann
Below you will find a selection of publications, presentations and lectures by Dr Urs Lendermann.
Bundesbank students visit partner university in Toulon
13.12.2024 DE
Ten Bundesbank students spent two weeks in France as part of an exchange between the Bundesbank’s University of Applied Sciences and the University of Toulon.
Professors from Hachenburg lecture at the PBC School of Finance in Beijing
05.12.2024 DE
The Bundesbank’s University of Applied Sciences has reaffirmed the long tradition of cooperation with the PBC School of Finance by sending professors to lecture in Beijing. From late October to early November 2024, Rector Erich Keller, his deputy Andeas Kremer and Oliver Kruse took turns to teach at the renowned Tsinghua University in Beijing.
Study programme Bachelor of Science in Central Banking
The accredited dual study programme, with a focus on business management, begins on 1 October or 1 April and takes three years to complete. The theory and practical phases of the course alternate and are closely interconnected.