
Monograph (Dissertation)

  • Central Counterparty – Zentraler Kontrahent – Zentrale Gegenpartei: On the conclusion of a contract on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange using the electronic trading system XETRA involving a Central Counterparty, 2005, published by Duncker & Humblot


  • Commentary on Art. 19, 22, 25 MiCAR, in: Maume (ed.), Markets in Crypto Assets Regulation (MiCAR) – Commentary, 1st ed. 2025, Beck publishing house
  • Commentary on Sections 24b, 64o, 64v, 65 KWG in Beck/Samm/Kokemoor (eds.), Banking Act with CRR, loose-leaf publication, 242th supplement, March 2025, C.F. Müller publishing house
  • Commentary on Sections 15‑18 Supervisory Law on Crypto Markets, in: Skauradszun / Linardatos (eds.), KMAG – Commentary, 1st ed. 2025, NOMOS publishing house
  • Commentary on Sections 12‑15 of the Electronic Securities Act (eWpG), in: Schulz/Neumann (eds.), eWpG – Commentary, RWS publishing house, 1st ed. 2023
  • Commentary on Sections 78 and 89 Investment Act (KAGB) in: Emde/Dornseifer/Dreibus (eds.), 3rd ed., 2023, C.H. Beck publishing house
  • Commentary on Sections on Section 22 ESZB-Statute in: Siekmann (ed.), The European Monetary Union, A Commentary on the Legal Foundations, , 1st ed. 2022, Hart publishing house
  • Commentary on Section 1 para. 31 KWG in: Beck/Samm/Kokemoor (eds.), Banking Act with CRR, loose-leaf publication, 220th supplement, August 2021, C.F. Müller publishing house
  • Commentary on Section 1 paras. 3e and 6 KWG in: Beck/Samm/Kokemoor (eds.), Banking Act with CRR, loose-leaf publication, 219th supplement, May 2021, C.F. Müller publishing house
  • Commentary on Sections 53o to 53q KWG in: Beck/Samm/Kokemoor (eds.), Banking Act with CRR, loose-leaf publication, 207th supplement, July 2019, C.F. Müller publishing house
  • Commentary on Sections 53e to 53n KWG in: Beck/Samm/Kokemoor (eds.), Banking Act with CRR, loose-leaf publication, 206th supplement, June 2019, C.F. Müller publishing house

Book Contribution

  • Markets in Crypto Assets Regulation – An Introduction, in: Beck/Samm/Kokemoor (eds.), Banking Act with CRR, loose-leaf publication, 235th supplement, March 2024, C.F. Müller publishing house
  • Electronic Securities Act – An Introduction, in: Beck/Samm/Kokemoor (eds.), Banking Act with CRR, loose-leaf publication, 231st supplement, June 2023, C.F. Müller publishing house
  • Prudential requirements for Central Counterparties, in: Wilhelmi / Achtelik / Kunschke / Sigmundt (eds.), EMIR Compendium, European regulation of OTC derivatives, 1st ed. 2016, Erich Schmidt publishing house

Journal Articles

  • DNS-blocking in the context of providing financial services without permission – Anmerkung – Case note to VG Frankfurt a. M., Urt. v. 23.10.2024 – 7 K 800/22.F, BKR 2025, 90‑96
  • Article in “stud.jur” (02/2013) on the job description of a “Lawyer in the legal department of the Deutsche Bundesbank”, Nomos publishing house
  • Contributions to the “Career Guide – Law” in the column “Beginners” (02/2008) as well as on the topic “Career despite the crisis” (01/2009), Transmedia publishing house

Presentations and Seminars

  • “Market for useful knowledge and non-knowledge: On analogue values, digital money and the quantification of the world”, Mousonturm Frankfurt in cooperation with the Center for Responsible Digitization (ZEVEDI), 16. September 2023.
  • “Who owns my money? – About the financial situation in the virtual world", as part of the event series "Understand crypto! About the Digital Financial World and Democracy”, organized by the Center for Responsible Digitization (ZEVEDI) and the Institute for Philosophy at the TU Darmstadt, 27. June 2022
  • "Legal Implementation of Eurosystem Monetary Policy" as part of the International Summer Law School of Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf, 2011‑2015
  • “Key Issues of US Contract Law Hidden in the ISDA Master Agreement”, 3rd symposium “Derivatives and Law”, Association of Public Banks (VÖB), September 2008
  • "Selected basics of US-American contract law using the example of the ISDA Master Agreement", workshop of the German-American Lawyers Association, April 2008

Event organization

  • Janosch Witte, ProCredit Bank Holding, “Illicit Financial Flows“, 23 April 2024
  • Ines Cieslok, State Street Bank, “True crime at the castle: Does Bitcoin encourage global fraud scandals or can custodians avoid a repeat à la “Bernie Madoff 2.0”?”, 27 February 2024
  • Antonia Held, Deutsche Bundesbank, “Life after Hachenburg – My career path after graduation“, 1 August 2023
  • Jens Janka und Dr. Dmitrij Senko, board members Eurex Clearing AG, „CCP Clearing: Safe and Robust or Procyclical?“, 14 September 2022
  • Sebastian Neusüß, Senior Expert at Optiver „High-Frequency Trading: Insights into the world of Europe's largest high-frequency trader“, 29 March 2022
  • David Eckner, LL.M., Senior Legal Adviser Chartered Investment, „Vice Funds – between supervision, ESG und performance”, 27 April 2021