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Financial Stability Review 2016 Video stream of the press conference
16.11.2016 DE
On 16 November 2016, Bundesbank Vice-President Claudia Buch and Executive Board member Andreas Dombret presented the Bundesbank's Financial Stability Review in Frankfurt am Main. The press conference was streamed live on the internet.
Italy's Minister of Economy and Finance gives lecture in Frankfurt
The Deutsche Bundesbank has invited Italy's Minister of Economy and Finance Pier Carlo Padoan to speak at the Goethe University in Frankfurt am Main on 21 October 2016 on the subject of potential measures to stimulate economic growth and employment in periods of political and strategic uncertainty.
Lecture by Christine Lagarde in Frankfurt
Christine Lagarde, Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund, will speak on 05 April 2016 at the Goethe University in Frankfurt. The entire lecture, including questions and answers, will be streamed live in the internet.
Planet Earth
02.03.2016 DE
Image Film of the 5 euro collectors´ coin “Planet Earth”, which was issued in April 2016.
Source: Offizielle Verkaufsstelle für Sammlermünzen der Bundesrepublik Deutschland
Press conference on the annual accounts 2015
Video of the entire press conference.
Financial Stability Review: The press conference
25.11.2015 DE
Bundesbank Deputy Governor Claudia Buch and Executive Board member Andreas Dombret present the 2015 Financial Stability Review to the press.
About the Third IMF Statistical Forum Third IMF Statistical Forum
The high-level conference provides a global platform to discuss cutting-edge statistical issues with data users, providers, and policymakers.
Rules of the Game in the Global Financial System
10.11.2015 DE
The Governor of the Reserve Bank of India, Raghuram Rajan considered in his lecture the current global economic environment and discussed various approaches to reforming global governance.
1st International Conference on Payments and Settlement
The Deutsche Bundesbank hosted its first International Conference on Payments and Settlement on 9 and 10 September 2015. About eighty researchers, central bank analysts and practitioners from all over the world joined the conference to discuss the most recent studies and to learn about developments, challenges, and risks for payments and settlement.
Deutsche Bundesbank, Conference Centre in Eltville am Rhein, 09.-10.09.2015
Concluding Remarks Mervyn King (former Governor of the Bank of England)
Bundesbank Conference:
"Turning points in history: How crises have changed the tasks and practice of central banks"Gesellschaftshaus Palmengarten in Frankfurt am Main, 09.07.2015