© Marcus Kaufhold
Professor André Alfes Lecturer at the University of Applied Sciences of the Deutsche Bundesbank
Main areas of teaching
- Civil Law
- Commercial Law and Corporate Law
- Banking Law and Capital Markets Law
- G1-1b Communication
- G1-1d Legal writing
- G4b Fundamentals of Civil Law
- G4c Fundamentals of Commercial Law and Company Law
- A3b Banking Law
- A3c Payment Transactions
- W4a Corporate Law
- W4b Contract Management
- W4c Civil litigation, Enforcement Law and Bankruptcy Law
- W4d Case studies on Financial Contracts
Curriculum vitae
- Studied law at the Universities of Bayreuth, Mainz and Austin, (Texas)
- Staff at the chairs of Prof. Dr. Mathias Habersack (University of Mainz), Prof. Dr. Jan Zopfs (University of Mainz) and Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Harro Otto (University of Bayreuth)
- 1999: degree “Business lawyer (University of Bayreuth)”
- 2002: First legal state examination
- 2005: Doctorate degree (under Prof. Dr. Mathias Habersack (Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz)
- 2006: Second legal state examination
- 2007: Master of Laws (UT Austin)
- 2007: Lawyer in a law firm in Frankfurt am Main
- 2010: Legal department of the Deutsche Bundesbank, responsible for monetary policy, securities settlement and capital markets law
- Since March 2021: Professor at Deutsche Bundesbank University of Applied Sciences
Research interests
- Trading, clearing and settlement of financial transactions
- Law and regulation of capital market infrastructures
- Contractual documentation of derivative transactions
- Investment law
- Central bank digital currency
- Electronic securities
- German-American Lawyers Association e.V.
- Association of University Professors for Business Law