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Module Cataloque – Updated for starting date: 1 April 2022
Here you will find the module catalogue for the B.Sc. in Central Banking.
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Other international activities
In addition to its cooperation with central-bank-affiliated universities abroad, the university regularly organises national and international lectures, seminars and information visits with a practical element.
In recent years, our students have not only been able to benefit from general courses taught by part-time lecturers from industry but also from additional lectures held by highly qualified representatives of Banca d’Italia, Banque de France, Bank of Canada, Bank of Japan, De Nederlandsche Bank, the Bank for International Settlements as well as from universities in Canada and the United States. A number of students have also had the opportunity to gain a closer insight into (inter)national large-scale enterprises and banks, the European Central Bank (ECB) and the European Court of Justice as part of information visits.
Since 2006, the university has also organised an annual seminar weekend as part of the European Union Study Tour and Internship Programme. The programme, which focuses on European institutions (including the European Parliament, the European Court of Justice, the ECB and the European System of Central Banks (ESCB)) is sponsored by the European Commission and the Bank of Canada and is attended by around 50 students from over 10 Canadian universities.
New exchange programme with the Warsaw School of Economics
26.08.2019 DE
International Week on Central Banking in Hachenburg
International Week on Central Banking in Hachenburg
09.05.2019 DE
International Week on Central Banking in Hachenburg