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Speech by Jean-Claude Trichet Colloquium for former Bundesbank President Hans Tietmeyer
19.06.2017 DE
Jean-Claude Trichet, former President of the European Central Bank
Concluding remarks Policy Symposium "Frontiers in Central Banking – Past, Present and Future"
Concluding remarks by Otmar Issing, Center for Financial Studies.
Policy Panel 3: "How do new technologies shape the future of central banking?" Policy Symposium "Frontiers in Central Banking – Past, Present and Future"
Discussion panel with Claudia M Buch, Deutsche Bundesbank, Blythe Masters, Digital Asset Holdings, Ravi Menon, Monetary Authority of Singapore, and Cecilia Skingsley, Sveriges Riksbank.
Moderator: Stephen Cecchetti, Brandeis International Business School.
Policy Panel 2: "Who is willing to act? Passing on the hot potato of policy intervention" Policy Symposium "Frontiers in Central Banking – Past, Present and Future"
Discussion panel with Jaime Caruana, Bank for International Settlements, Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund, and Mario Monti, Bocconi University. Moderator: Barry Eichengreen, Berkeley University.
Policy Panel 1: "Benefits and boundaries of unconventional monetary policy" Policy Symposium "Frontiers in Central Banking – Past, Present and Future"
Discussion panel with Masaaki Shirakawa, Governor of the Bank of Japan from 2008-2013, Jean-Claude Trichet, President of the European Central Bank from 2003-2011, and Axel A Weber, President of the Deutsche Bundesbank from 2004–2011. Moderator: Volker Wieland, Goethe University Frankfurt.
Welcome address Policy Symposium "Frontiers in Central Banking – Past, Present and Future"
Welcome address by Dr Jens Weidmann, President of the Deutsche Bundesbank
Global Money Week at the Bundesbank’s Money Museum
05.05.2017 DE
At the end of March, the Bundesbank hosted the launch event for Global Money Week 2017 in its revamped Money Museum. As part of this initiative, millions of children and young peo-ple around the world have engaged with money-related topics under the motto "Learn.Save.Earn."
Film explains TARGET2-Securities
15.03.2017 DE
TARGET2-Securities (T2S) is a platform for the centralised settlement of securities transactions within the European Union. T2S went live on 22 June 2015. In a short film, the Bundesbank explains how T2S works, its importance to the German market, and the role played by the Bundesbank.
"Tropical climate zone"
06.02.2017 DE
Image film of the new 5 euro collectors coin "Tropical climate zone".
Source: Offizielle Verkaufsstelle für Sammlermünzen der Bundesrepublik Deutschland 2016