Darlehensveräußerungen durch Banken: ein Beitrag zum Schuldner-, Daten- und Funktionsschutz (Loan sales by banks), vol. 59 of Abhandlungen zum Deutschen und Europäischen Gesellschafts- und Kapitalmarktrecht, Berlin 2012, dissertation University of Zurich 2011 (reviewed by Bernd Müller-Christmann, in: Fachbuch Journal 2013, p. 36 et seq.).
Commentary on the German Investment Firms Act (Wertpapierinstitutsgesetz – WpIG) (co-edited with Heinrich Nemeczek and Ulrich G. Schroeter), Verlag C.H. Beck 2024.
Beck/Samm/Kokemoor, Commentary on the German Banking Act and the Capital Requirement Regulation, Verlag C.F. Müller, Heidelberg (co-edited Nikolaus Demmelmair, Axel Kokemoor, Heinrich Nemeczek and Hartmut Reschke).
Commentary on the Federal Debt Management Act, in: Hopt/Seibt (eds.), Schuldverschreibungsrecht, Verlag Dr. Otto Schmidt, Cologne, 2nd edition 2023 (previously 1st ed. 2017).
Commentary on § 4 of the Electronic Securities Act (co-authored with Heinrich Nemeczek), in: Schulz/Neumann (eds.), eWpG - Commentary, RWS Verlag, Cologne, 1st ed. 2023
§ 1 (7) of the German Banking Act (219th update May 2021)
§ 1 (19), (20), (27), (28), (30 old version), (34) German Banking Act (220th update August 2021)
§ 2a of the German Banking Act (211th update December 2019)
§ 10a of the German Banking Act (supervisory consolidation) 202nd Update September 2018)
Artt. 6 to 10 Capital Requirements Regulation (208th update October 2019)
Artt. 11 to 24 Capital Requirements Regulation (supervisory consolidation), (201st update July 2018)
Art. 51 to 61 Capital Requirements Regulation (Additional Tier 1 capital), (237th and 239th updates June and August 2024) (with Martin Böhringer and Lars Ihme)
Art. 62 to 71 Capital Requirements Regulation (Tier 2 capital), (239th update October 2024) (with Martin Böhringer and Lars Ihme).
Commentary on the German Investment Firms Act (Wertpapierinstitutsgesetz – WpIG), Verlag C.H. Beck 2024:
Introduction (co-authored with Heinrich Nemeczek und Ulrich G. Schroeter)
§§ 4, 8, 12, 54, 86 WpIG (co-authored with Heinrich Nemeczek)
Book Chapter
Die elektronischen Wertpapiere des Bundes und der Länder (The electronic securities of the federal and state governments ) - gesetzliche Grundlagen und Vergleich mit dem eWpG (co-authored with Heinrich Nemeczek), in: Segna/Möslein/Omlor/von Buttlar (eds.), Gesetz über elektronische Wertpapiere - eWpG - Kommentar, Handbuch, Vertragsmuster, Verlag C.H. Beck, 1st edition, Munich 2024.
NextGenerationDefenseUnion - Sketch of a credit-financed security policy of the EU, in: Zeitschrift für Europarecht (EuR), Vol 6/2024, pp. 501 (co-authored with Odilo Hasberg), http://dx.doi.org/10.5771/0531-2485-2024-6-501
Distributable items and instruments of additional tier 1 capital, in: Recht der Finanzinstrumente (RdF), Vol 4/2024, pp. 298 (co-authored with Melanie Armbruster and Martin Böhringer)
Notes and Reviews
Book Review: Chiara Zilioli and Karl-Philipp Wojcik (Eds.), Judicial Review in the European Banking Union (Cheltenham, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2021), European Business Law Review 32, no. 6 (2021): 1135-1138, Kluwer Law International BV, The Netherlands 2021
Corporate law versus banking supervisory law in insolvency, comment on BGH, judgment of 04.08.2020 - II ZR 174/19 in: Lindenmaier-Möhring-Kommentar (LMK) 2020, 435103, Munich 2020.
The key issues paper of the German government on electronic securities and crypto tokens, in: Die Aktiengesellschaft (AG) 2019, R93-R95.
Liability of a straw man for forwarding fraudulently obtained payments, comment on Federal Court of Justice of 16.1.2018 - VI ZR 474/1612, in: Lindenmaier-Möhring-Kommentar (LMK) 2018, online no.406707, Munich 2018.
Cancellation of an overall security mortgage in the case of claims arising from a foreign currency bond (U.S. gold dollar bonds) - BGH v. 12.12.2008 - V ZR 49/08, in: Lindenmaier-Möhring-Kommentar (LMK) 2009, Online-Nr. 292914 (with Götz Schulze), Munich 2008
Country of origin taxation of executors operating across borders - comments on the ECJ ruling of 6.12.2007 - C-401/06 (Commission/Federal Republic of Germany), in: Zeitschrift für Steuerrecht (ZSteu) 2009, p. 204 - 209 (co-authored with Götz Schulze)
The Theory of Bank Resolution: Does the Bail-in Work? (August 22, 2023). European Banking Institute Working Paper Series 2023 - no. 150, SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=4548364
Übungshausarbeit Zivilrecht: Schadensausgleich beim Finanzierungsleasing, in: Juristische Ausbildung (JURA) 2008, 57 – 66 (co-authored with Andreas Heinemann)
Conferences (Selection)
Supervisory law symposium of the Deutsche Bundesbank and the University of Basel on the Regulation of Investment Firms in the Capital Markets Union on 8.10.2024 in Frankfurt am Main (organizer together with Heinrich Nemeczek and Ulrich G. Schroeter)
Paper Presentation: The Theory of Bank Resolution: Does the Bail-in Work? EBI Working Paper No. 150, Presentation at the Sydney Banking and Financial Stability Conference, 8-9.12.2023
Paper Presentation: The Theory of Bank Resolution: Does the Bail-in Work? EBI Working Paper No. 150, Presentation at the 6th Conference on Law & Macroeconomics, at Tulane Law School, jointly with the Wharton School, Georgetown Law, Queen Mary University, Yale Law School, Nov. 2-3, 2023
The Future under a Starry Sky: Your vision of a strong Europe, Workshop of the Deutsche Bundesbank’s Euro20+ event, 24.11.2023
Regular lectures on banking and capital market law in the Banking course at the University of Zurich, Executive Education Finance
Regular lectures on current developments in banking supervisory law at the annual Bankjuristentag of the Börsen-Zeitung and the Wertpapier-Mitteilungen, in cooperation with Deloitte, Frankfurt am Main
Lectures at the scientific symposium "Banking Supervision" of the University of Applied Sciences of the Savings Banks Finance Group in cooperation with the Rhineland Savings Banks and Giro Association, Bonn (2020, 2015)
Regular courses on banking-specific topics at the Central Bankers Courses of the Gerzensee Study Center of the Swiss National Bank Foundation
Seminars in the Framework of Technical Central Bank Cooperation (e.g. with the central banks of Thailand, Brazil, Ghana and the Abu Dhabi Global Markets Financial Supervisory Authority as well as in bilateral and multilateral seminars in Frankfurt a.M.)
European Green Bonds - Fade to Grey, guest lecture to students and alumni of the Master of Financial as well as the EBI Master in EUBanking & Financial Regulation at the Frankfurt School of Finance, 13.1.2023.
Swiss Finance Institute web seminar on negative interest rates in Switzerland, together with Martin Schlegel (SNB), Philippe Bacchetta (Uni Lausanne), Alfred Mettler (Uni Miami), Markus Bürgi (SFI), 12.5.2020
Implementing the Key Attributes in the Banking Union, Seminar on Early Intervention and Crisis Management Tools of the Financial Stability Institute and the European Supervisor Education Initiative, Munich, 18-20.2.2020.
Recovery and Resolution, Seminar on Banking supervision within the Basel framework, Joint Vienna Institute, 22.1.2019
International Cooperation in Banking Supervision and Regulation, lecture at the Institute of Banking, Warsaw School of Economics, 13.4.2018.