Entrepreneurial Education and Knowledge: Empirical Evidence on a Sample of German Undergraduate Students; in: Journal of Technology Transfer (forthcoming); with A Oehler and H Schalkowski.
Do Key Investor Information Documents Enhance Retail Investors’ Understanding of Financial Products? Empirical Evidence; in: Journal of Financial Regulation and Compliance, 22, 115-127; with A Oehler and S Wendt.
Dispositionskredite: Fehlende Bonitätsprüfung kostet Verbraucher viel Geld – Lösungsansätze und Handlungsempfehlung; in: Zeitschrift für Bankrecht und Bankwirtschaft, 25, 350-357; with A Oehler and S Wendt.
On the Impact of Market Mergers over Herding: Evidence from EURONEXT; in: Review of Behavioral Finance, 6(2), 104-135; with A Panagiotis and V Kallinterakis.
Sell-Side Security Analysts in the Nexus of Principal-Agent Relations: An Information Economics Perspective; in: Corporate Ownership & Control, 10, 267-274; with A Oehler.
Analyst Recommendations and Regulation: Scopes for European Policy Makers to Enhance Investor Protection; in: International Advances in Economic Research, 20(4), 369-384; with A Oehler.
The Accuracy of Financial Analysts’ Forecasts and the Impact of Individual Characteristics, Conflicts of Interest, and Regulation, Bamberg, Germany, 2014.
Articles in Edited Volumes
Risk Assessment and Risk Management in Economics; in: H-W Micklitz/T Tridimas (eds), Risk and EU Law (forthcoming); with A Oehler, T Herberger and S Wendt.
Conference presentations
Die ökonomische Bedeutung operationeller Risiken bei Kreditinstituten: Eine empirische Analyse, in: Konferenzband "Controlling, Accounting, Risiko, Finanzen" (CARF), Luzern, 2019.
Overdraft Facilities in the German Retail Banking Sector; 3rd Annual Conference on Risk Governance, University of Siegen, Siegen.
Are Mutual Fund Ratings Useful? Empirical Evidence on Ratings, Non-Persistence and the Risk of Mutual Fund Closure; Academy of Financial Services 2014 Annual Meeting, October 2014, Nashville, Tennessee; 78th International Atlantic Economic Conference, October 2014, Savannah, Georgia.
Does Experience Affect Security Analysts’ Accuracy? Empirical Evidence; XV Symposium zur ökonomischen Analyse der Unternehmung, September 2014, Regensburg; Academy of Behavioral Finance & Economics 2013 Annual Meeting, September 2013, Chicago, Illinois; Eastern Finance Association 2013 Annual Meeting, April 2013, St Pete, Florida; 74th International Atlantic Economic Conference, October 2012, Montreal, Canada.
Analysts’ Characteristics, the Research Process and the Impact of Regulatory Changes: An Empirical Analysis; 78th International Atlantic Economic Conference, October 2014, Savannah, Georgia.
Analyst Recommendations and Regulation: Scopes for European Policy Makers to Enhance Investor Protection; 74th International Atlantic Economic Conference, October 2012, Montreal, Canada.
Entrepreneurial Literacy: Empirical Evidence; Workshop on Academic Policy and the Knowledge Theory of Entrepreneurship, August 2012, Augsburg, Germany; 74th International Atlantic Economic Conference, October 2012, Montreal, Canada.
Do Key Investor Information Documents Enhance Retail Investors’ Understanding of Financial Products? Empirical Evidence; Academy of Financial Services 2013 Annual Meeting, October 2013, Chicago, Illinois.