Professor Matthias Goeken ©Marcus Kaufhold

Professor Matthias Goeken Deutsche Bundesbank's University of Applied Sciences

Main areas of teaching

  • Business informatics
  • Basic principles of economic sciences
  • Research, teaching and learning methods


  • W6b Process management
  • A1-1a Business administration application systems
  • G1-2a Introduction to business informatics
  • G1-1a Academic research and study methods
  • G1-1c Preparing academic texts and presentations
  • G5a Economics – Basic concepts

Curriculum vitae

  • Studied economics at the Philipps University of Marburg
  • Research assistant to Professor Hasenkamp at the Philipps University of Marburg's Institute for Economic Policy (Institut für Wirtschaftsinformatik) in the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics
  • Awarded PhD by the Philipps University of Marburg
  • Junior professor at the Frankfurt School of Finance & Management, previously Business School of Finance and Management (Hochschule für Bankwirtschaft or HfB)
  • Founder and Head of the IT-Governance-Practice-Network at the Frankfurt School of Finance & Management
  • Application for and management of several third-party-funded projects: EiSFach (Effizienz und innovative Steuerung von Fachbereichen – Efficiency and innovative management of faculties –  at the Philipps University of Marburg); SemGoRiCo (Semantic Governance, Risk und Compliance, project sponsor: Hessen Agentur, project number: 160/08-22); Tosl (tool-based introduction and semantic integration of reference models, processes and system landscapes to support IT governance (HA-333/12-23)
  • Founder and co-editor of the journal IT-Governance, dpunkt-Verlag
  • FIBAA expert for system and programme accreditations
  • Director for publications for ISACA Germany Chapter e.V.

Research interests

  • IT governance and information management, including IT security management and IT risk management
  • Business intelligence (BI)
  • Research methods in business informatics/information systems
  • Modelling, conceptual modelling, reference modelling and meta-modelling