G2‑2a: Introduction to double-entry accounting and annual financial statements
G3‑1: Development of the banking system and fundamentals of the banking industry
A1‑2a: Fundamentals of financing
A4‑1a: Credit and banking supervision – applied management of institutions and current issues
V1‑1b: Banking simulation game
W2: Case studies on financial supervision
October 1988 to March 1994: Studied economics at the Ruhr University Bochum
March 1991 to June 1991: Language studies at Yonsei University in Seoul (South Korea)
July 1994 to March 1997: PhD in Dr. rer. oec. at the Chair of International Economic Relations, Ruhr University Bochum
June 1997 to September 2002: Assistant to the Executive Board of Rheinboden Hypothekenbank AG (Cologne) and member of the Controlling Division of Rheinboden Hypothekenbank AG/Allgemeine Hypothekenbank Rheinboden AG
October 2002 to December 2008: Deputy Head of the Credit Risk Management Division and then Head of Risk Control at Düsseldorfer Hypothekenbank AG
January 2009 to June 2016: Management consultant, 1 PLUS i GmbH, Nürnberg
July 2016 to March 2023: Partner, 1 PLUS i GmbH, Nürnberg
Since April 2023: Full-time lecturer at the Bundesbank’s University of Applied Sciences
Research interests
Banking regulation (including Basel own funds accord – focus: Credit risk and operational risk)