Professor Lilli Zimmermann
Deutsche Bundesbank University of Applied Sciences
Main areas of teaching
Applied econometrics
G5a Principles of economics: basic concepts (EN)
G5c Macroeconomics (EN)
A5a Macroeconomic basics of financial markets and monetary policy (EN)
A5b Central banking and the conduct of monetary policy (EN)
V3-2b Exchange rates, open-economy macroeconomics and international macroeconomic policy (EN)
W1a Comparative studies of monetary policies of important central banks (EN)
W1c Case studies on financial market turbulences (EN)
W5 Financial Econometrics
Curriculum vitae
Bachelor of Arts in Economics, Georg-August University in Göttingen
Semester abroad at the University of Valencia, Spain
MA in International Economics, Georg-August University in Göttingen
Research assistant in the Macroeconomics and International Economics Department as well as at the Centre for European Studies (CEUS), Professor Michael Frenkel, WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management
Awarded PhD by the WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management
Economist, European Central Bank, External Developments Division
Economist, Deutsche Bundesbank, Monetary Policy and Analysis Division
Economics lecturer at the WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management and the Academy of Business Administration and Economy (Verwaltungs – und Wirtschaftsakademie) in Coblenz
Association for Research Promotion in Development Economics (Executive Board Member)