© Marcus Kaufhold
Professor Christopher Priberny Deutsche Bundesbank University of Applied Sciences
Main areas of teaching
- Financial mathematics
- Statistics
- Derivatives
- Quantitative methods in banking supervision and risk management
- Business administration
- A1-2 Statistics II
- A4-1 Credit portfolio models
- V1-1 risk management in banks and financial institutions
- V2-2 Valuation and risk analysis of financial instruments
- V5-1 Basel II – Pillar 1
- W5 Financial Econometrics
Curriculum vitae
- Lecturer at the Deutsche Bundesbank's University of Applied Sciences, Hachenburg, Germany
- Research fellow at the Department of Finance, University of Regensburg, Germany
- 2013 Dr. rer. Pol., Faculty of Business, Economics and Management Information Systems , University of Regensburg, Germany
- Research assistant at the Department of Finance, University of Regensburg, Germany
- Diplom-Kaufmann (equivalent to Master' s Degree), Business Administration, University of Regensburg;
- Study exchange with the University of Newcastle/Australia
- 3rd Winner Postbank Finance Award 2008
Research interests
- Banking
- Microfinance
- FinTechs, peer-to-peer lending