© Marcus Kaufhold
Professor Anke Lenk Deutsche Bundesbank University of Applied Sciences
Main areas of teaching
- Financial accounting, in particular financial statements in accordance with IFRS and banks’ financial statements
- Management accounting
- G2-2 Bookkeeping, cost accounting and financial statements
- A2-1 Individual and consolidated financial statements
- V1-2 Central bank management and communication
- V2-1 Analysis of financial statements
- W 2 Case studies on financial supervision
Curriculum vitae
- Trained as a bank clerk
- Studied business administration at Goethe University Frankfurt am Main
- Studied economics at Université Lyon 2 (maîtrise de sciences économiques mention monnaie et finance)
- Student and academic tutor, Business Administration Department, Professor Ralf Ewert, chair for accounting, especially controlling and auditing, Goethe University Frankfurt am Main
- Assistant to the Chairman of the Board of Directors of Volksbank RheinAhrEifel eG
- Research assistant, Business Administration Department, Professor Ralf Ewert, chair for accounting, especially controlling and auditing, Goethe University Frankfurt am Main
- Lecturer at Université Lyon 2 as part of the Minerva exchange programme
- Awarded PhD by the Goethe University, Frankfurt am Main
- Lecturer, University of Cooperative Education (Hessische Berufsakademie) in Frankfurt am Main and the Academy of Business Administration and Economics (Verwaltungs- und Wirtschaftsakademie) in Frankfurt am Main
Research interests
- Quality of earnings, in particular earnings management
- International Financial Reporting Standards
- Empirical accounting research
- Corporate governance
Special functions
- Examination office manager
- University’s practical studies coordinator