Veröffentlichungen von Prof. Dr. Christopher Priberny
Veröffentlichungen von Prof. Dr. Christopher Priberny
Christopher Priberny The impact of COVID-19 on demand and lending behavior in prosocial P2P lending Credit and Capital Markets 56, S. 5-26.
Christian Kreuzer und Christopher Priberny To green or not to green: The influence of board characteristics on carbon emissions Finance Research Letters 49, S. 103077
Gregor Dorfleitner, Christopher Priberny und Michaela Röhe, Why do microfinance institutions fail socially? A global empirical examination, Finance Research Letters, im Druck
Gregor Dorfleitner, Christopher Priberny, Stephanie Schuster, Johannes Stoiber, Martina Weber, Ivan de Castro und Julia Kammler Description-text related soft information in peer-to-peer lending - Evidence from two leading European platforms Journal of Banking and Finance 64, S. 169-187
Gregor Dorfleitner, Susann Just-Marx und Christopher Priberny What drives the repayment of agricultural micro loans? Evidence from Nicaragua Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, im Druck
Gregor Dorfleitner, Michaela Leidl, Christopher Priberny und Jacob von Mosch What determines microcredit interest rates? Applied Financial Economics 23(20), S. 1579-1597
Gregor Dorfleitner, Michaela Leidl und Christopher Priberny Explaining Failures of Microfinance Institutions Social Science Research Network : SSRN
Gregor Dorfleitner und Christopher Priberny A quantitative model for structured microfinance Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance 53(1), S. 12-22
Christopher Priberny und Gregor Dorfleitner Risk perception and foreign exchange risk management in microfinance Journal of Management and Sustainability 3(2), S. 68-78
Gregor Dorfleitner, Michaela Leidl und Christopher Priberny Microcredit as an Asset Class: Structured Microfinance In: Mobilising Capital for Emerging Markets: What Can Structured Finance Contribute?, Springer, Berlin
Eva-Maria Ferstl, Johannes Gerer, Christopher Priberny und Manuel Seitz Wie können Privatanleger durch den Einsatz von Hedge-Fonds profitieren? In: Hedge-Fonds - Chancen und Risiken, FAZ-Institut für Management, Markt- und Medieninformationen, Frankfurt am Main
Vorträge & Präsentationen
2. - 4. August 2023: The impact of COVID-19 on demand and lending behavior in prosocial P2P lending. World Finance Conference 2023, Kristiansand, Norwegen.
14. - 16. Dezember 2022, What drives the loan funding on the peer-to-peer platform Kiva? Australasian Finance & Banking Confernce 2022, Sydney, Australien.
1. - 3. August 2022: The Perception of Brexit Uncertainty and How It Affects Markets. World Finance Conference 2022, Turin, Italien.
3. - 15. Dezember 2018: Why do microfinance institutions use foreign currency debt? Australasian Finance & Banking Confernce 2018, Sydney, Australien.
16. Oktober 2015: Description-text related soft information in peer-to-peer lending – Evidence from two leading European platforms. FMA 2015, Orlando, USA.
21. September 2015: Description-text related soft information in peer-to-peer lending – Evidence from two leading European platforms. Hochschule der Deutschen Bundesbank, Hachenburg
01. - 03. Juni 2015: Explaining failures of microfinance institutions. 4th European Research Conference on Microfinance 2015, Genf.
23. - 25. April 2015: Explaining failures of microfinance institutions. Social and Sustainable Finance and Impact Investing Conference, Oxford.
2. - 4. Juli 2014: Explaining failures of microfinance institutions. World Finance Conference 2014, Venedig.
27. - 28. September 2013: Modeling defaults of rural micro loans. DGF 2013, Wuppertal.
10. - 12. Juni 2013: What determines microcredit interest rates? Third European Research Conference on Microfinance 2013, Kristiansand, Norwegen.
04. - 06. Oktober 2012: What determines microcredit interest rates? DGF 2012, Hannover.
16. - 18. Juni 2011: Risk perception and FX risk mitigation in MFI refinancing. Second European Research Conference on Microfinance 2011, Groningen, Niederlande.
16. - 18. Juni 2011: A Quantitative Model for Structured Microfinance. Second European Research Conference on Microfinance 2011, Groningen, Niederlande.
08. - 09. Oktober 2010: A Quantitative Model for Structured Microfinance. DGF 2010, Hamburg.
30. September - 01. October 2010: A Quantitative Model for Structured Microfinance.(Poster), CREDIT 2010, Venedig.
01. - 03. September 2010: A Quantitative Model for Structured Microfinance. OR 2010, München.
14. Mai 2010: Perspectives and a Quantitative Model for Structured Microfinance. University of Newcastle, Newcastle, Australien.
19. Mai 2010: Perspectives and a Quantitative Model for Structured Microfinance. UTS University of Technology, Sydney, Australien.