Die Diskussionspapiere mit ökonomischen Studien oder Finanz- und Bankenstudien werden vom Forschungszentrum der Bundesbank erarbeitet.
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The effects of government bond purchases on leverage constraints of banks and non-financial firms Discussion paper 38/2016: Michael Kühl
Potential implications of a NSFR on German banks‘ credit supply and profitability Discussion paper 37/2016: Matthias Schmitt, Christian Schmaltz
On the suitability of alternative competitiveness indicators for explaining real exports of advanced economies Discussion paper 36/2016: Christoph Fischer, Oliver Hossfeld, Karin Radeck
352 KB, PDF
Solving RE models with discontinuous policy rules – an application to minimum wage setting in Germany Discussion paper 35/2016: Dirk Bursian
597 KB, PDF
Cross-border transmission of emergency liquidity Discussion paper 34/2016: Thomas Kick, Michael Koetter, Manuela Storz
Optimal unemployment insurance and international risk sharing Discussion paper 33/2016: Stéphane Moyen, Nikolai Stähler, Fabian Winkler
568 KB, PDF
Below the zero lower bound – a shadow-rate term structure model for the euro area Discussion paper 32/2016: Wolfgang Lemke, Andreea L. Vladu
715 KB, PDF
Inflation expectations, disagreement, and monetary policy Discussion paper 31/2016: Mathias Hoffmann, Patrick Hürtgen
485 KB, PDF
How does P2P lending fit into the consumer credit market? Discussion paper 30/2016: Calebe de Roure, Loriana Pelizzon, Paolo Tasca
445 KB, PDF
Capturing information contagion in a stress-testing framework Discussion paper 29/2016: Kartik Anand, Céline Gauthier, Prasanna Gai, Moez Souissi