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DM-Banknoten Serie BBK3
Hier finden Sie Informationen und Abbildungen der DM-Banknoten Serie BBK3 und vorhergehender Serien.
Zentralbankwesen (BWL) / Bachelor of Science Hochschule Bundesbank
Du willst die Welt des Geldes verstehen lernen und hast großes Interesse an den Hintergründen moderner Finanzsysteme? Mit diesem dualen Bachelor-Studium bieten wir Dir einen einzigartigen Berufseinstieg in die Welt des Geldes.
Filiale Hamburg
Die Filialen der Bundesbank versorgen die Wirtschaft mit Euro-Bargeld. Privatkunden können gebührenfrei und unbefristet DM-Banknoten und -Münzen in Euro umtauschen.
Cash supply in the Eurosystem
This online course is aimed at more experienced experts wishing to expand their knowledge and learn about the approach taken in Europe, including a close-up look at the Bundesbank, but also at “newcomers” in central banks’ cash departments who would like to start out by gaining an in-depth overview of the field.
Banking Supervision within the Basel Framework In cooperation with the Oesterreichische Nationalbank (OeNB) and the Joint Vienna Institute (JVI)
Mid-level to senior banking supervisors from central banks and supervisory authorities. Basic knowledge of the Basel framework is essential. Participants should also be familiar with the supervisory policies at their institution and be prepared to actively contribute to discussions.
Hauptverwaltungen und Filialen der Deutschen Bundesbank
Die Hauptverwaltungen überwachen im Rahmen der Bankenaufsicht die Kreditinstitute und Finanzdienstleister in ihrer Region. Die Filialen unterstehen den Hauptverwaltungen und versorgen die Wirtschaft mit Euro-Bargeld.
Introduction to financial stability, systemic risk and macroprudential policy
This course is aimed at central bank officials working in the area of financial stability. Participants should have a basic understanding of the surveillance and analysis of systemic risk and macroprudential policy. Input from participants on current developments in their home countries is welcome. The course may also be of interest to staff working in other central bank areas related to financial stability, such as banking supervision, monetary policy or payment systems.
Introduction to mathematical models for banking supervisors
On-site and off-site banking supervisors with a good knowledge of regulatory capital requirements and at least a basic understanding of mathematics and statistics. The course is aimed specifically at non-mathematicians who are interested in quantitative topics. Participants should be prepared to contribute actively to the seminar by answering questions and performing calculations, e.g. in Excel.
Auslandsverschuldung Berichtszeitraum 4. Quartal 2024
Auslandsvermögenstatus Berichtszeitraum 4. Quartal 2024