Foto zeigt Studenten im Schlosshof der Hochschule der Bundesbank in Hachenburg ©Dieter Roosen
Welcome to the University of Applied Sciences in Hachenburg

The Deutsche Bundesbank offers a challenging dual study programme to high-achieving school-leavers with the equivalent of A-levels (Fachabitur/Abitur). If you are interested in economics, you can take your first steps toward a professional career at the German central bank through our degree programme in central banking. Once you have completed your Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) degree, you can expect to take on a range of demanding tasks at the Deutsche Bundesbank.

Professors from Hachenburg lecture at the PBC School of Finance in Beijing
MA students with Erich Keller (fifth from right) ©PBC School of Finance

The Bundesbank’s University of Applied Sciences has reaffirmed the long tradition of cooperation with the PBC School of Finance by sending professors to lecture in Beijing. From late October to early November 2024, Rector Erich Keller, his deputy Andeas Kremer and Oliver Kruse took turns to teach at the renowned Tsinghua University in Beijing.

Bundesbank students visit partner university in Toulon
Studierende in Toulon ©Université Toulon

Ten Bundesbank students spent two weeks in France as part of an exchange between the Bundesbank’s University of Applied Sciences and the University of Toulon.

Hachenburg students on study visit to China
Studierende der Hochschule der Bundesbank in China ©PBC School of Finance

Students from the Bundesbank’s University of Applied Sciences participated in the international Financial Leaders of Tomorrow Summer Program at the Tsinghua PBC School of Finance in Beijing, China. Here is a report on what the students experienced during their visit.

International Week on challenges in the banking sector
International Week on challenges in the banking sector

A total of 57 students from China, France, Poland and Slovakia, together with around 60 students from the Bundesbank’s University of Applied Sciences, took part in the International Week at the university’s campus in Hachenburg.

Studying on the French Riviera
Left-right: Brigitte Müller, Xavier Leroux (University of Toulon) and Andreas Kremer, Erich Keller (Deutsche Bundesbank University of Applied Sciences) ©Olivier Radelet

The Bundesbank’s University of Applied Sciences in Hachenburg and the University of Toulon have signed a partnership agreement. To mark the occasion, Hachenburg’s Rector Erich Keller and his deputy Andreas Kremer visited their partner institution in France in mid-March of 2024. 

German-Chinese partnership extended
Handshake on the signing of the extension ©PBCSF Peking

The universities of the Bundesbank and the Chinese central bank have maintained a partnership for more than two decades. In November, this was extended again until 2025. Rector Erich Keller signed the agreement with the People’s Bank of China School of Finance in Beijing.